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Can Children Join the Citi Bike Share Program?

The long awaited Citi bike share program became available in New York City last spring. The program’s popularity is evidenced by the nearly 12,000 members who signed up for annual memberships just at the launch of the program. The program has been most popular for families with teenagers because it provides a viable mode of transportation without the need to obtain a driver’s license.

NYC Citi Bikes in Rack16-Year Age Restriction

However, like all other programs, the Citi bike share program is subject to certain restrictions, namely those pertaining to age. Although bicycles are a favorite past time for children and an excellent source of exercise and transportation, children under the age of 16 are not allowed to ride a New York City bicycle by utilizing the Citi bike share program.

Age Restriction Designed to Ensure Safety

This age restriction was designed to ensure a certain level of safety for both the rider and other drivers and pedestrians sharing the road. In general, individuals using the bike share program are not regular bicyclists. This means that they may not be familiar with the roads and streets, which leaves them more vulnerable to being involved in accidents and sustaining serious injuries.

As such, the Citi bike share program was designed to be used by individuals over 16 years old in order to maintain a certain level of safety and decorum on the busy roads and streets of New York City.

Injured on a Bike? Call an Experienced Attorney Today!

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in a bicycle accident that was caused by the negligent or reckless actions of another party, call the New York City bicycle lawyers at Gersowitz, Libo & Korek, P.C. as you may be entitled to compensation.

For more information or to schedule a complimentary consultation, call us at 212-584-2494.

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