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Citi Bikes: Popular Mode of Transportation For NYC Bar Crawls

NYC Citi Bikes in RackSince the launch of the 6,000 Citi Bikes in New York City, residents and visitors have taken advantage of bicycles as a mode of transportation during their daily commutes. However, New York City bicycle riders have also started to opt for Citi Bikes as a favorite mode of transportation during their city nightlife, especially during bar crawls. However, this rise in the number of bicyclists on the streets at nights after leaving the bar scenes somewhat intoxicated, can lead to dangerous bicycle accidents, both for the bicyclist and pedestrians.

Advantages of Riding a Bike During Social Outings

For bar crawlers and other types of social gatherers on a budget, the NYC Citi Bike Share system beats paying for expensive cabs and metro cards. In fact, for members who pay a $95 annual fee, rides under 45 minutes are complimentary. And moreover, riding a bike is definitely more attractive than waiting for a train after a night of partying and joining sweating riders on the subways.

The option of using a bike has also provided a boost in the New York social scene, as Citi Bike users are more likely to go out at night and even venture farther than local scenes because other bars and restaurants are simply a bike ride away.

But Is Riding Drunk Legal?

Although New York does not have any laws against riding while under the influence of alcohol, a drunk rider may be charged with disorderly conduct or reckless endangerment. Additionally, riding drunk is against the Citi Bike program’s user agreement. But the bottom line is that there is no one conducting breath tests at the docking stations.

However, the consequences of drunk bicycling are very real and can range from minor to life threatening injuries, both for the rider and other pedestrians who share the road. In addition to injuries, New York City bikers can also incur serious charges if being inebriated causes them to improperly dock their Citi bikes. Citi Bikes checked out overnight can result in triple digit charges due to late fees being as high as $24 per hour.

Get Help with Your Injuries – Call Us Today

If you or a loved one has been injured while riding a bicycle or you were a pedestrian who was injured in a collision with a bicyclist and would like to consult with a New York City bicycle injury attorney, call Gersowitz, Libo & Korek, P.C. at (212) 584-2494. Our experienced legal team is dedicated to fighting for your rights and getting you the just compensation that you deserve.


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